Becky Becky – Good Morning, Midnight – Review

FEINT Records
Released on 1st May 2014

Unknown-5A tumultuous relationship encircles what could quite possibly be Becky Becky’s first and only album together. Gemma L. Williams (vocals) and Peter J D Mason (production) joined forces in 2011, became lovers and subsequently split, going their own way. They did eventually reunite, but their professional relationship is littered with tense gigs and screaming fights. It’s safe to say that ‘Good Morning, Midnight’ is smothered in emotion.

A combination of 80’s synth-pop and ‘00s electroclash, results in an album which sounds retro and timeless simultaneously. Upbeat, danceable music is married with dark lyrical content (such as suicide on ‘Sophia’, rape on ‘When The Dead Come Alive’ and the death of a child on ‘House Of The Black Madonna’) to create an intense album that is quite a lot to take in at once, and requires several listens to truly appreciate what Williams and Mason have created.

A grungy and scuzzy vibe recurs throughout, from the deep ethereal beats of album-opener ‘Quite Like Old Times’ to the haunting, screeching vocals of ‘House Of The Black Madonna’. Both of these tracks are standouts, and NEED to be downloaded. ‘House Of The Black Madonna’ plays an infectious, pounding dance beat which contrasts heavily with the twinkling 80’s synths of ‘I Remember, I Remember’, which evokes thoughts of Human League. ‘Mask’ mars a childlike vocal (reminiscent of both AlunaGeorge and MS MR) with a scuzzy beat that somehow works.

‘Good Morning, Midnight’ isn’t without it’s problems, however. Several tracks (in particular ‘I Remember, I Remember’ and ‘Fire & Wings’) are, in parts, just too much to comprehend and the vocals often become lost beneath the deep beats and they truly do require several listens to grasp their meaning. But persevere. It’s worth it.

‘Tigers Are Better-Looking’ and ‘Let Them Call It Jazz’ are instantly forgettable, but‘When The Dead Come Alive’ is perhaps the standout track of the album. Williams’ gorgeous vocals blend effortlessly with Mason’s mesmerising, capturing beat resulting in a song that veers slightly towards euphoria and one which, despite the darkness of its lyrics, will demand the listener to dance way past midnight and well into the morning.

(Originally posted on Cuckoo Review on 6th May 2014. Original link:

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