What to Expect from Azealia Banks’ Long Delayed Album


With Azealia Banks’ already long-delayed album delayed yet again, I thought it would be a good idea to collate everything that we think we know about Broke With Expensive Taste. We’ve been teased for so long now that I don’t even think Banks’ herself knows anything concrete about this album…

In September last year Banks’ released the definitive tracklist, showing that 16 songs would feature on the album including 212, Heavy Metal and Reflective, Soda and Miss Amor. But it wasn’t as definitive as we were first lead to believe. In less than two months this changed, as ATM Jam was dropped following its dire reception and BBD was once more added to the final tracklist. But that was fine. We still knew what to expect, right?

On the first of this year Banks’ took to Twitter and answered a few questions, stating that Soda would no longer be released as the second official single and Chasing Time, a previously unmentioned song, would take its place. She also claimed that she had written around 30 new songs for the album. Of the previously mentioned tracklist I suspect that only a handful of these will now make the final cut. 212 is definitely going to be on the album, I think that goes without saying, and I also believe that she’ll still include Miss Amor and Miss Camaraderie along with Soda – these songs have long been touted by Banks’ over Twitter so it’s clear that she favours them. Yung Rapunxel will likely make the cut too.

So there we have the (not so) final tracklist: a potential 6 songs. But Banks’ has also claimed that she has recorded a track that is better than most of the rest of her album. We can only take her word on this one as of yet.

We can also expect there to be a song featuring Busta Rhymes, who recently tweeted that Banks’ “is a genius with her art!!!! #REALRAP” and that he and Banks’ have teamed up and “made a banger…” Again, this remains to be seen. If Banks’ holds her tongue this track might just see the light of day, unlike Ratchet and/or Red Flame which were due to feature on Lady Gaga’s recent album ARTPOP but were dropped after Banks’ slayed Gaga on Twitter, and Bizarra which featured production by Disclosure (although they later claimed that they hadn’t even finished their work on the track) but was dropped because “the beat really isn’t that good tbh.”

Of the album’s sound Banks’ has said that “sonically, it’s very mature” and that she has “stayed far away from dubstep and [she] tried to stay far away from trap” but that there is one song that is very trap. Other than that everything else is guesswork. We’ve heard her sing, fantastically I must add, on Paul Oakenfold’s Venus (an unknown gem from last year) so may we perhaps hear her sing some more on Broke? Banks’ has said that she doesn’t plan on rapping forever so why not showcase her fantastic singing voice here. Banks’ has experimented with numerous sounds already, from the dub-beats of Slow Hands, the euphoric trance sound of Venus, the hard-and-heavy dance beats of Esta Noche and the catchy hip-hop thumps of 212, and each of these sounds have perfectly complemented her distinct vocal. Expect more of these sounds to recur through the album. I have my fingers crossed for some house beats in there too, especially after her failed collaboration with Disclosure.

We can also expect there to be some big producers laying down some tracks as Banks’ has already worked with Lazy Jay on 212, Lone onLiquorice, Miss Amor and Miss Camaraderie, Lil Internet on Yung Rapunxeland Munchi on Esta Noche. As Banks’ profile rose more and more big-name producers began to work with her, and surely this trend will follow.

Aside from the album itself Banks’ will be touring again this year on theBroke With Expensive Taste Tour that kicks off in March. As this tour will undoubtedly be supporting the album then surely this means the album has to be released beforehand? The most recent information we have in regards to a release date is March so if this is the case some serious promotion has to start soon. I have my doubts about this, but I’ll be seeing Banks’ in March anyway for the tour and I know she’ll be amazing like the last time I saw her. I only hope there are some new songs thrown in there.

Expect Broke With Expensive Taste to drop in March. But don’t hold your breath.


(Originally posted on Vada Magazine on 7th January 2014. Original link: http://vadamagazine.com/07/01/2014/vadamusic/azealia-banks-delayed)

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