I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here 2014 – Week 1 Commentary


I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here is back. Like most series, half of the camp members can barely be called celebrities, but it is sure to be thrilling viewing nevertheless.

I’ve been commenting daily on the jungle highlights after watching each episode, so you’ll see my opinions change throughout the week.

Sunday 16 November

Launch night and the camps are divided – again. At least this year there’s a new twist: half are in jail and half have the power to save them. They opt for Foggy (who?) who faces the first trial. It was called How Many Snake Jokes Can We Fit Into 12 Minutes? No, obviously not, but Foggy did pass that one. Unsurprisingly, he earns all 6 stars. Elsewhere Gemma – the TOWIE reject that has become a staple of every reality show – cries a dozen times. You just know she’s going be voted to do the trials. Every. Single. Time. Is she the new Myleene Klass?

Mel had more balls than Jimmy during Croc Creeks trial so it came as no surprise when he was voted to do the next. I am loving Michael’s dryness – he didn’t give a fuck about those in the slammer – and his friendship with Tinchy was funny. Other than that, it was a typical launch. I’ve heard of a grand total of four of them. That’s just four out of 10…

Monday 17 November

Jimmy – once again – was rubbish in the trial, only earning four out of six stars. And when he opted to save one of the celebrities you could tell that Foggy was pissed off. Has he forgotten that he himself was saved just the day before? Gemma cried, again. Everyone was starving. Not much happened. Gemma is grating on me already; I hope she gets to do a trial soon. She’ll be shit.

Wednesday 19 November

And so Gemma has departed. She brought nothing to the show and frankly I’m glad she’s walked; my only regret is that she wasn’t subjected to the ordeal of a trial before going. I imagine she would’ve been rubbish at the eating trial, although it would have been brilliant to watch. Elsewhere, Tinchy at least gave his trial a go, and I’m glad Kendra is facing the eating trial as she’s coming across as really bitchy. Hopefully there will be some horrors for her to munch on. Foggy looked like an idiot during the all-night trial when he refused to get up for his shift, especially after he moaned at everyone else for choosing to save someone rather than claim the food. Priorities, Foggy, priorities.

Thursday 20 November

Deer cock. Witchetty grub. Camel ass. This can only mean one thing: the eating trial is back. Lots of nasties were on the menu, but both Kendra and Jimmy give it their all. Bravo. Unsurprisingly though, Kendra has been voted to do the next trial too. It seems the public aren’t warming to her all that well. The Dingo Dollar Challenge returned too, but Michael got on everyone’s nerves. He’s about to ruffle some feathers I reckon. In other news, Craig departed due to a bereavement in his family, and two newcomers entered camp – the infamous Edwina Currie and Jake Quickenden. Who? Clutching at straws a little here. He’s not exactly a celebrity…

Friday 21st November

Kendra was absolutely terrible in the latest trial, resulting in only one star, so it came as no surprise when she was voted to do the next. She’s set to be this years Helen Flanagan. Whilst this practice is funny initially, it does grow grating after a while. Both Edwina and Jake settled into camp nicely, under the guide of a secret task to earn the camps care packages. Michael really wasn’t happy about getting cockroaches dropped on him; my opinion of him has changed drastically. I don’t like him much now.

Saturday 22 November

Surprise, surprise. Kendra was awful at the trial yet again. (Well, she managed to get two stars this time, which is an improvement for her.) I am so glad the CIA chose her to join them; it grates watching someone repeatedly perform poorly. The Bushtucker Trials are meant to be entertainment so I can never understand why the viewers vote for the same person over and over. Watching Kendra fail repeatedly isn’t what I’d call entertainment. I reckon Melanie will be quite game – she’ll get all 10, surely. Elsewhere Jake and Jimmy are bonding nicely, although Foggy – who hasn’t really done much around camp – didn’t look too happy about it. Some of these ‘celebrities’ need to step up their game.


(Originally posted on Vada Magazine on November 23rd 2014. Original link: http://vadamagazine.com/23/11/2014/television/im-celebrity-get-2014-week-1-commentary)

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